Estate Agent Hull — FAQs

    29 / 09 / 2020

What is the average cost of an estate agent in Hull?

The average fee is 1.3% + VAT. 

That means for a property worth £200,000 that’s £3,120 inclusive of VAT.  


What is the average fall-through rate of properties listed with estate agents in Hull?

30% of transactions collapse in the UK before exchange of contracts. On average, a home mover loses £2,899 as a result of a transaction collapsing. 


What is the average timeline for properties to sell with an estate agent in Hull?

The average time to sell is 18 weeks with traditional bricks and mortar estate agents in Hull. 


What’s the average house price in Hull?

In August 2020, the average price for a house in Hull was £132,251 according to Zoopla. 


How many viewings does it usually take to get an acceptable offer?

It takes on average 10 viewings in the UK to achieve an acceptable offer. Of those with an offer accepted, 1 in 3 will fall-through and the process has to start all over again. 


How many sales are successful with estate agents in Hull?

40% of sales in the UK were only successful once a vendor had changed the estate agent. 


Can Zoopla provide an accurate valuation?

No — it’s based on an algorithm of similar properties in the area rather than on the ground expertise. For example, you might be on the same street but have an extension, or a bigger kitchen or garden etc, which means your house would be worth more than your next door neighbour’s home. You need to contact a local estate agent and ask them to come and visit your property for an accurate valuation. 


Who is the cheapest estate agent in Hull?

Rezee. We’re the only estate agent that doesn’t charge any selling fees. 

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